Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A Dastardly Duo

dastardly duo
Originally uploaded by Southworth Sailor.
It's one thing when your son needs a haircut and you can't convince him; it's another thing when your teaching partner needs a haircut and you can't convince him! Seriously, I am very blessed to work side by side with a colleague who shares a faith, a value system and a vision for education. Few teachers work in as close a relationship to eachother as we do. We share the same classroom, the same students, and same teaching responsibility. While we do have points of frustration while working together, we value the benefit of the team which we create together. We are excited about this school year. We have a great bunch of students that need our encouragement and direction to experience significant academic and spiritual (shh) growth. Thanks for putting up with me, Don.

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