We are still trying to figure out where Markus got the brains to accomplish this honor. (600 graduates - top GPA!) Our clan got choice seats in the Tacoma dome and were able to cheer Markus through the ceremony. We had a great day with the Eide clan over at our house. They helped make it a special day. It was a great Father's Day gift. Thanks Markus! Markus will be at Lake Shasta on a houseboat all week with his church friends.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Norwegian family visits
This weekend we had the opportunity of having not only Jenny for a few days, but also Peter and Lisbeth Andersen (Esther's cousins from Norway.) Lisbeth spent the past year as an exchange student in California, and Peter, her father, is here to spend some time with her in the states before she returns to Norway. It is wonderful to catch up on eachother's families and share stroies.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
a wild sail
I was feeling an itch for a sail today, and Bjorn said he would join me. By the time we got to the boat, the wind had picked up considerably, so we reefed the mainsail. It was a good thing that we did, because even with the added ballast of a crew and the reefed main, it was all we could handle. After about forty-five minutes of white knuckle sailing, the wind died a bit and we took the reefs out. Then the wind picked up again, but not as much as earlier and we were able to keep to full sail. All in all, it is an enjoyable time and I got my sailing fix for the weekend.
An Arabian Night
Saturday evening Esther and I went to to the Puyallip fairgrounds where Mike, Marti and Marika were at a horse show. One of the competitions which Marika entered involved an Arabian costume. Marti made both costumes herself. Marika and Program did a nice job at the compettion where they ended up with a second place. Nice work Marti and Marika!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Sidney Glen boy's night out
On Wednesday afternoon, the male staff at my school took the ferry over to watch the Mariners. There is something of a bonding that takes place among males at a predominately female workplace like an elementary school. After a great meal at Fado Irish Pub, we watched the Mariners win a game against the Twins. Well, technically we didn't witness the win, because it was 9-9 at the top of the ninth when we had to catch the ferry. It was fun being out with 'the boys.' Thanks to Don, it was a free evening for me, as he treated me to dinner and the game, compliments of my birthday.
6/6/6 Birthday
It felt a little strange having my birthday this year. As it turned out, there were a couple of negative things that occured on that day. First of all, Don and I had to physically remove a student from the class. He was kicking and punching the whole way down to the office. We had to file a police report, which wasn't fun. It never feels good to physically remove a student. The other bummer came when I started up my truck after school. The engine was running very rough. As it turns out, I need a valve job. Ouch! I thought that these things didn't happen to Toyotas! Well, at 180,000, I can excuse it a little. But it was still disappointing. The highlight of the day was dinner at El Sombrero with the family. I don't think I have to worry about hitting 6/6/3006; at least not until after the antichrist!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
three boys set out to sea
On Monday, while we were spending a family day in Seattle, three of Markus' friends decided to embark on a nautical adventure. They built a raft of driftwood and set sail for Blake Island. Then with two paddles and a pair of flippers, they were off. A ferry came over to investigate the odd sight. One detail that they failed to consider was the amount of daylight to complete their adventure. By the time we came home at nine o'clock they had made it to the island and were wise enough not to try to return in the dark. Using a ranger's cell phone they contacted us for a ride back home. Despite Bjorn's urging to let them rough out the night, Markus and I took the sailboat over to the island to retrieve them.

Thor Heyerdahl look out!

Thor Heyerdahl look out!
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