Friday, September 26, 2014

September Catch Up

     Lest the month pass without record, I must present a telling of some highlights.  We had the chance to see Ingvar and Swanhil two times while they were visiting from Norway.  Once was at Dan and Jan Eide's where several of the extended Eide family were in attendance.  The next weekend we had them over to Southworth with George and Kirsten.  We enjoyed both visits and really appreciated our time with Ingvar and Swanhil.  They are such a nice couple and it is interesting to hear of the Norwegian Eide history.
     We also took an annual anniversary getaway.  Because the weather was so great on the west side, we held off on reservations and at the last minute stumbled on a great little place in the community of Dungenness by Sequim.   It is an old homestead barn that has been converted to a bed and breakfast.  We arrived early afternoon and had the place to ourselves.  The property sets on a bluff overlooking the Dungenness spit and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.  Esther spent a little time shopping and I poked around the marina.  Dinner was at the Dockside Grill and breakfast at the 'inn' was very good.  An advantage to being so close to home was that we made it home for the Seahawk/Bronco game.

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