Saturday, November 22, 2014

Back to School

This fall I dusted off my student hat and enrolled in a class at The School for Teaching English as a Second Language.  The school is under the umbrella of SPU, but is located in North Seattle near the North Seattle Community College.  I joined eleven other students in a class about teaching grammar to English Language learners.  This was my first class of four in my attempt to complete the requirements for a certificate in Teaching ESL.  I'm not sure where this will take me, but I decided to start the process and see where it leads.  The class met for three hours on Thursday nights, which made for Thursday marathons: rushing from school to catch a ferry and driving through Seattle evening rush hour to catch a 5:30 class which went until 9:00.  The hour drive home brought me back at 10pm.  I enjoyed the class and I am starting to get a feel for what teaching ESL is all about.

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