Sunday, August 07, 2005

What's a father to do?

Bjorn's sissy pants
Originally uploaded by Southworth Sailor.
A man does his best to build a sense of masculinity in his son, only to have him buy women's jeans. For some reason my oldest son decided that he wanted a pair of women's pants in his wardrobe. I still don't understand why - something to do with the stretchiness of the fabric and the fit!? The fact that he works on a construction crew all summer helps counteract my misgivings of his gender identification. He and Jenny were down for the weekend, which was nice because we will be splitting up as a family for a few weeks-Bjorn working, Markus and Calvin to Mexico, and Esther and I to Texas.


Anonymous said...

Bob N. wants to know if they are a size 4 or 6? I am sure I could never get Bubba into a petite size...

yeahboone said...

What! Bjorn? That's crazy.

Hahaha... I'll have to check up on him about that one.

Southworth Sailor said...

Tell Bob Nelson that at least my oldest son doesn't wear hot pink mini shorts with super long legs like his oldest son.